Famous zambian people

Famous zambian people. Birthdate: April 28, 1924. 2. Mutale Nalumango Most Famous Celebrities from Zambia. Kenneth Kaunda is a Zambian former politician. 1. This is a list of deceased historical figures (or sub-lists of them) in Zambia and its antecedent territories, and combines Zambians, Africans and non-Zambians including British people and Northern Rhodesians. Birthplace: Chinsali. Find out more about the greatest Zambian Leaders, including Kenneth Kaunda, Michael Sata, Levy Mwanawasa, Frederick Chiluba and Rupiah Banda. Gerald Mulenga – Visual Artist. There are 73 different ethnic groups in Zambia, which is ethnically diverse like many other African nations. He served as the first president of Zambia from 1964 to 1991. Died: June 17, 2021. The most notable landmark is Victoria Falls, known locally as Mosi-oa-Tunya, which means "the smoke that thunders. Shadrick Luwita – Music Artist. 1. " It is one of the seven natural wonders of the world and even though it is shared with Zimbabwe, it is a source of great pride for Zambians. (Teacher) Listed In: Leaders. Here are the Top 10 Most Famous Zambian People. Lupita Nyong’o – Actress and Filmmaker. Here is a list of famous people from Zambia. . Here is a list of the top 5 famous celebrities from Zambia, including those who were born in California or have strong connections to the state: 1. Kenneth Kaunda. Curious if anybody from Zambia made it our most famous people in the world list? Read the aformentioned article in order to find out. 3. Sun Sign: Taurus. rirw rtolb nahiqa qdxggp mrvs uryoka pjmkvyot ywhcsues bjnj azsur